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May 01, 2024


Due to election-year restrictions in Washington state law, this website will remain accessible but no new content, and no changes to existing content, will be posted to it after May 2, 2024, until the results of the November election are certified.
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March 22, 2024

In the News: 3 break-ins in 3 days: Cannabis shop owners, lawmakers frustrated by lack of legislation

Three pot shops were broken into three days in a row this week across Seattle. The repeated crime highlights efforts to address the issue which failed to result in any legislation this past session. Early Tuesday morning, a car smashed into the front of Cannazone in Seattle’s Sodo neighborhood, where the owner said five suspects stole upwards...
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February 22, 2024

Washington State Legislature Takes Aim at Local School Control

By Eileen Griffin, contributing editor at Heartland Daily News |Education Reform New | Feb. 22, 2024 The Washington State Legislature is advancing two bills that would impose curricula mandates on public schools. The legislation would allow the state Superintendent of Public Instruction to mandate what materials schools are allowed to use, regardless of local decisions, The...
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February 22, 2024

Controversial curriculum choices bill moves forward in WA Senate

By Carleen Johnson | The Center Square | Feb. 22, 2024 (The Center Square) – A bill in Olympia is moving ahead that would give the Washington State Superintendent of Public Instruction ultimate decision-making authority when it comes to controversial teachings on race, gender and sex education. On Feb. 10, Engrossed Substitute House Bill 2331 was passed by the...
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February 20, 2024

[un]Divided with Brandi Kruse: Dems block amendment to keep sexually explicit content out of schools

Democrats in Washington state just blocked an amendment that would have made sure pornographic material is not included as part of a proposed state law mandating “inclusive” learning in public schools.
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February 16, 2024

E-News: Victory! Property tax hike dead for 2024

Week 5 of the 2024 session was spent on the Senate floor voting on bills previously approved by their assigned committees, in anticipation of this week’s deadline for us to consider “House of origin” bills; in other words, Tuesday was the cut-off deadline for the Senate to vote on Senate bills and for the House...
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February 13, 2024

Sen. Jim McCune on Senate Democrats killing his bill that would have taught the Pledge of Allegiance

Sen. McCune’s legislation (SB 6205) came for Eatonville Middle School students.
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February 12, 2024

Columbian Editorial: Understanding the Pledge will benefit democracy

Republished in the Walla Walla Union-Bulletin Contrary to commonly held belief, public classrooms throughout Washington are expected to recite the Pledge of Allegiance each day. The Revised Code of Washington (28A.230.140) calls for “appropriate flag exercises to be held in each classroom at the beginning of the school day … at which exercises those pupils...
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February 07, 2024

Senators denounce bill to raise property taxes – vote expected Thursday

OLYMPIA – The Washington Senate is poised to approve a bill Thursday that would allow the annual growth in property taxes to triple, flouting the will of Washington voters who approved a cap on property taxes in 2001. Republican senators say they plan to raise stiff opposition when the bill comes to the floor –...
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